Kay Hirai – Sheer Determination

Tamara: What inspired you to write the book? Kay Hirai: Desire to write this book has been on my mind for many years. I wanted to document my experiences because I knew doing so would help me to feel more secure and complete as a person. I just didn’t want to...
Pop Quiz A or B?

Pop Quiz A or B?

Okay… multiple choice. Which would you rather be?  A) A #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon for a day. Or… B) A #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon who makes big cash infusions and multiple streams of reliable income from your bestselling books… now and for years to...
Do you know the #1 complaint among most Authors?

Do you know the #1 complaint among most Authors?

The #1 complaint that most authors share is that they don’t make enough money from their book. They experience huge personal satisfaction, increased credibility and a sense of achievement. But they don’t experience a financial reward that matches the amount...
Make Money with FREE Webinars!

Make Money with FREE Webinars!

One of the fastest ways to build your credibility and make money (a lot of money) is by hosting free webinars. However, when I first considered leading webinars, I had no idea how to start.  I earned $20,000, from a free webinar I lead a few months ago, but it...
Make Money with FREE Webinars!

Make Money with FREE Webinars!

I earned $20,000 from a free webinar I lead a few months ago, but it didn't start out that way. In fact, when I first began leading webinars in 2013… I earned a big fat zero.  I know how frustrating it is to try to figure out which technology to use (I...